Massage therapy can address numerous conditions. While it isn't the answer to every problem, doctors often recommend a massage as the first non-invasive intervention in many cases. If you're seeing indications of these six issues, you might want to schedule a massage.

Tense Muscles

Stiff or tense muscles can create lots of problems. Muscles can hurt from being stiff for too long, potentially triggering chronic pain. This is especially common in the next and lower back, but the issue can occur anywhere throughout your body. Massage therapy can work knots out of muscles and release tension. Consequently, other affected areas can then relax, leading to an overall reduction in pain and discomfort.


Nerve and muscle pains in the shoulder, back, and next can cause headaches. Likewise, a person's overall stress level may be a driver. A massage provides general relaxation while also releasing muscles in ways that can relieve headaches.

Circulation Problems

Blood circulation can be generally problematic. Especially in a person's extremities, poor circulation can lead to tingling and numbness. In extreme cases, people can even develop infections due to weak blood circulation.

Massage tends to promote better blood movement throughout your body. This is a good way to address problems like edema and swelling. Some doctors also encourage massage therapy for some injuries because improved circulation can promote healing.

Limited Motion

If you're struggling with a limited range of motion, you might want to consider massage therapy. A stiff elbow that can't fully extend may be suffering due to tense muscles and tendons further up in the arm or shoulder. Relaxing those muscles often takes the pressure off of the elbow. There are many chains of muscles that can harm your range of motion so massage is often a good first candidate for solving the problem.

Difficulty Sleeping

Poor sleep arises from a variety of physical and mental conditions. A person may experience pain or discomfort due to muscle tension. Likewise, they could suffer from anxiety or depression. The relaxing effect of a massage often allows a person to sleep better.

Bad Posture

Pain, discomfort, and tension can all affect your posture. If you have bad posture, you should talk with a massage therapist. They often can offer treatment plans to address specific problems. For example, an office worker who sits in a chair most of their work day may need a back, shoulder, and neck massage to get their muscles to align better. 
