When you visit a local massage therapist with a specific health ailment, they'll take some time to assess the nature of the ailment and its severity, before deciding the best way to approach your treatment. Many ailments can benefit from a variety of massage techniques, and while traditional Swedish massage is a form of massage that your therapist will often use, they may also turn to complementary treatments. A popular one is called myofascial release, and it feels different than a typical massage. Rather than digging into your muscles, your therapist will squeeze and roll your fascia, which is a type of connective tissue that surrounds your muscles. Myofascial release can be useful for these ailments.

Neck Pain

A lot of people turn to massage when they're suffering from neck pain. Lots of massage therapists will use various techniques, including myofascial release, to work on your sore neck. While the muscles themselves may require attention, tight fascia can create tenderness in this part of your body and limit your range of motion. The use of myofascial release techniques can loosen the fascia, which will immediately allow you to move more freely. You'll feel less stiff and may notice a reduction in your neck pain.


There are many drug-free ways that you can get help for arthritis pain, including visits to a massage clinic. Depending on where you have arthritis in your body, your therapist may decide to use myofascial release to treat the area. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, and the inflammation that is present in your body and results in sore muscles and tight fascia. When your therapist is able to release the fascia through this specific technique, you should expect to feel less soreness in this part of your body.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A lot of people who perform repetitive motions for work or even for hobbies can develop carpal tunnel syndrome over time. Often, this condition requires surgery, but if you're trying to prevent needing surgery, it can be worthwhile to see a local massage therapist. They will often decide to use myofascial release to treat your carpal tunnel syndrome. When they're able to release the fascia around this part of your wrist, you will experience less stiffness and a better range of motion. This will allow you to continue using your wrist with relative ease. Learn more about myofascial release and the benefits of massage therapy by contacting a massage therapist.
